GUITARbusiness is the Brand for the Business of Guitar. Our mission is to provide relevant, useful and timely services and information for guitar-related companies, artists, organizations and industry people. As always, it’s all about value in all directions.

Our focus is on a wide range of industry folks at all levels, from players to CEO’s and everyone in between. We have been well-connected in the business since 2008 with the founding of our industry-focused media and marketing firm, GUITARpr.

GUITARbusiness is the integration of multiple components under the Guitar Business brand of our parent organization, TrueMarket Group that also includes our new editorial platform on Substack, Guitar Business World, as well as the Guitar Business Store and Guitar Business Sales. We’re definitely doing something different and we look forward to your participation in any of several different ways of your choosing. Feel free to send over any questions, thoughts, or suggestions you may have by contacting us. We are committed to our mutual success.

Jeffrey D Brown

About the Founder

Jeffrey D Brown has spent nearly four decades in media-related positions in the publishing, advertising and events business. His passion for and involvement in the guitar-related business universe in one aspect or another has been a constant for all those years.

In addition, Jeffrey D Brown (who started his career in radio) has produced and hosted 83 episodes of Guitar Business Radio, the Podcast for the Business of Guitar, the Value Shot, now on Guitar Business World.

Reach out to him here.